Student Code of Conduct: Rules and Regulations
This Code shall apply to all kinds of conduct of students that occurs on the college premises including in College sponsored activities.
1. He/She shall be regular and must have 75% attendance.
2. Any act within the college campus that may violate or spoil the academic atmosphere in the college will not be appreciated and the student found guilty of such offence will be punished.
3. Any act of discrimination (physical or verbal conduct) based on an individual’s gender, caste,  religion or religious beliefs, colour, region, language, disability, or sexual harassment, gender  identity, etc. is prohibited.
3. Intentionally damaging or destroying college property or property of other students and/or faculty members, strict action will be taken.
4. Unable to produce the identity card, issued by the college, or refusing to produce it on demand  by discipline committee members or by campus security guard is punishable offence.
5. Unauthorized possession, carrying or use of any weapon, ammunition, explosives, weapons, fireworks, contrary to law or policy is punishable offence.
6.  Smoking in the college campus and splitting is prohibited.
7. Parking a vehicle in a main gate of college and inside college campus is prohibited. Each students should park his/her vehicle at the parking place in middle gate of college (near post office).
 8. Students are not permitted to provide audio and video clippings of any activity on the campus to media without prior permission.
9. It is ideal that students should wear casuals/formal dress. Short shirts/tops and low waist  trousers exposing body parts strictly prohibited.
10. Use of Mobile phones in the college campus is prohibited.
11. Ragging is a punishable offence.
12. A student may not knowingly provide false information or make misrepresentation to any College office. In addition, the forgery, alteration, or unauthorized possession or use of College documents, records, or instruments of identification, forged or fraudulent  communications (paper or electronic mail) are prohibited.

Staff Code of Conduct: Rules and Regulations
All employees of college are expected to observe the highest standards of ethics, integrity and behavior during the workplace. The details of code of conduct are outlined below – 
1 Comply with all lawful and reasonable directions from Principal of college.
2. Act in compliance with National and State legislative and regulatory framework of higher  education.
3. Be honest and fair in dealings with students and colleagues. 
4. Promptly report any violations of law, ethical principles and policies.
5. Maintain punctuality. If any staff (teaching or nonteaching) is late or absent, please tell telephonically and let the Principal know as soon as possible.
6. Observe health and safety policies and obligations, and co-operate with all procedures and initiatives taken by College authorities.
8. Keep records of funds, equipment, supplies, books, records and property. 
9. Maintain the confidentiality of any confidential information, records or other materials. 
10. Not make any unauthorized statements to the media about College. 
11. Do not use abusive or offensive behavior or language in the college campus.
12 You are required to not discriminate against or harass your colleagues on any grounds including: sex, marital status, pregnancy, age, sexual orientation or gender identity.  Such harassment or discrimination may constitute an offence.   

Code of Ethics of research scholars : 

The purpose of the Regulations and Code of Ethics for Research Degree Programmes is to maintain the quality and academic standards of the research degrees and to provide regulatory information and guidance for Research Scholars and other Teaching Staff.

  1.  Authors must ensure that they have written original works. In addition, they must ensure that manuscript has not been issues anywhere else.
  2.  Any work or words of other authors or contributors should be appropriately credited and referenced.
  3. Authors are also responsible for language editing before submitting the article. Authors submitting their work to journal or publication as original articles confirm that the submitted works represent that their authors contribution and have not been copied of plagiarized in whole or in parts without clearly citing. Any work or words of other authors, contributors or sources (including online sites) should be appropriately credited and referenced.
    Apart from this the college research development cell committee members takes extra measures to ensure that the work is at par with the national / international standards and it will be published in UGC approved or peer reviewed journals. To attain these features our college strictly follows the Kumaun University Research Ordinance 2018 which is our Affiliating University.